My dear friend Jocelyn, who is a certified trainer with The Grief Recovery Method, is offering one of her coveted classes NOW. I went through grief recovery with Jocelyn after losing my brother, mother and sister in the span of three years. One of the most freeing things I learned was that there are not linear steps/stages to grief, we are all on our own journey. The class starts Monday, April 17. I know so many of you reading can benefit from something like this. You are worth it, and your marriage and family are worth it too. When we are hurting it impacts everything. We can’t ignore deep grief and pain and think our relationships will flourish. Also, grief is not exclusive to losing a loved one. We also grieve over lost opportunities, past seasons of life, dysfunctional childhoods, etc. Sign up now, help is available! Classes are on Mondays April 17-May 29th, 5:30-7:30 PST. To sign up email Jocelyn for pricing and registration. #Hope#Marriage#Grief#Healing